As you may know, farming is not a very lucrative business. Like most farmers, we do it for the love of the work, the Earth, and to be a bit of hope in what can look like a pretty dismal picture. There are many farm projects and improvements that could benefit from a little extra funding. If you are in the position to offer additional financial support, it will be very appreciated and put to good use. Please let us know if there are specific projects or areas that would like the donation to go towards, such as educational materials, wash station improvements, volunteer’s needs, livestock improvements, and so on.
Earthkeeper Farm also has an ongoing ‘Wish List’ of items that would be useful around the farm, in the farm kitchen, and cabin. So, if you happen to have some of these things lying around that you would like to get rid of, send them our way! Keep in mind, Earthkeeper Farm is not a registered non-profit. Therefore, your donation would not be tax deductible. But it will be very much appreciated!
Wish List:
Earthkeeper Farm also has an ongoing ‘Wish List’ of items that would be useful around the farm, in the farm kitchen, and cabin. So, if you happen to have some of these things lying around that you would like to get rid of, send them our way! Keep in mind, Earthkeeper Farm is not a registered non-profit. Therefore, your donation would not be tax deductible. But it will be very much appreciated!
Wish List:
- Large chalk board or white board
- Garden hoses without holes
- Garden hose sprayer or watering heads
- Muck boots (any size for volunteers)
- Rain coats and pants (any size for volunteers)
- Garden or work gloves
- Shower towels
- Dish towels and potholders
- Large pots
- Large bowls
- Plates and bowl
- Crock pot
- Blender or food processor
- Clean light colored, flat sheets (any size, top sheet only is fine)
- Farming or gardening books or documentaries for library
- Lamp
- Box fan
- Toilet paper and paper towels
- Dish soap and sponges
- White exterior paint